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Come home to your temple

Sit in your pelvic throne

your own body's keeper

Intimacy, pleasure, and eroticism are powerful expressions of the human experience.

They go beyond the brain, into the mystery and magic of life. 

But growing up on the Disney romance myth and living within interlocking
systems of oppression

tells us
our pelvic temples

should be used for something other than our own pleasure.

It's time to break the spell

unlearn this toxic programming

and cultivate our erotic belonging


I'm Jade, an erotic ally with earthly devotion and creative explosion, moving to the pulse of justice rising. A certified Somatic Sex Educator, I'm based out of Portland, Oregon. Using creative approaches to tending wounds and updating programming around intimacy, my work is focused on expanding eroticism beyond "sex" and into the healing potential of the people. 

Erotic Belonging Offerings

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Dating & Relationship
Ongoing support for the ups and downs of seeking or deepening meaningful connection
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Gendering Support
Exploring un-gendering, re-gendering, what is gender for, and body rituals for tender times
Night Scene
Pleasure Mentorship
Pleasure mapping, exploring the erotic equation, rewiring the body for pleasure, trauma stewardship.
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Relational Intimacy Toolkit
Discerning closeness, gateways to intimacy, knowing what you want, paradox of sovereignty practices
purple room, nonbinary person standing i
Boundary & Consent Skillbuilding
Understanding the language of the body, opening the voice, building muscle memory for sharing honestly
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Body Sovereignty &
Nervous system support, inner landscape attunement, creativity practices
Image by Allec Gomes


My work with Jade has been simultaneously gentle and deeply transformational. I came to them for help with stepping into my erotic power, and in just a few sessions, Jade has sheparded me toward a more authentic version of myself. Their steady loving presence provides the safe container to do the fierce work of moving through my shadow and stepping more fully into my pleasure and power.


- I.W.

Somatic Sex Education is not psychotherapy. I am not a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist,
licensed social worker or licensed marriage and family therapist, and I do not offer therapy,
psychotherapy or medical advice.

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