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Are you a part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community?
Join these playscapes as they become available!
Each playscape is offered by donation, and includes:
Spoken word
Body-based practices
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Storytelling from personal interviews
Downloadable activities and frameworks
Opportunities to connect with others in the playscape
antidote to abandoning and gaslighting ourselves
antidote to self-disgust
antidote to self-blame and collapse
antidote to alienation from our bodies
antidote to shame
antidote to isolation
big thank you to the 40+ collaborators who shared their stories in these playscapes, informed my research around internalized oppression, and offered insights for embodying antidotes:
Yasha Shapiro
Yarrow Geggus
Sumita Chakraborty
Root Home
Ray Abrahams Mayer
Paul Iarrobino
Maze Diebolt
Marc Francis Otto
Kristin Wheary
Kai Cheng Thom
Jody Dozono
Jeanne Devlin
Jay Wade
Jay McCarrick
Darrius Yannick
Camerina Galván
April Slabosheski
Antje Schaefer
This project would have been boring and dry without you!
Want to know when the next playscape is available? Sign up for my periodic newsletter and receive the first activity:
~ crafting your erotic compass ~
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