AI created, with keywords "wovenness web heart celebration"
We belong to our eroticism, and our eroticism belongs to us.
Let’s start with the second word - belonging.
My simple definition of belonging is:
a knowingness of wovenness
Who and where do you have this felt sense of wovenness with? What does it afford you to do?
When we are intentional about who, what, where we are weaving connection with,
our web of life becomes a continual exchange of nourishment and fortitude.
This deep sense of belonging can propel an incredible amount of courage, exploration and healing.
Now let’s invite the erotic into the knowingness of wovenness -
ooh, that’s kind of exciting, right?
I see “erotic” as simply “aroused sensing”
an awakened improvisation of moving towards what feels good.
This definition liberates it beyond the cis het married couple’s bedroom
and brings the knowingness of wovenness into a very precise place: the body.
If our body’s sensations and impulses are connected to our wovenness, then cultivating a deep relationship to our eroticism helps us belong more fully to our web. And belonging to our web affords us the sanctuary and momentum to explore eroticism more intentionally, without shame or sacrifice.
We belong to our eroticism, and our eroticism belongs to us.
In this era of crisis and collapse, we have to actively embed ourselves in the co-creation of this world, to lean into our creativity, our connectivity, our courage. What better way to do that than from aroused senses, from awakened improvisation, from a place of erotic belonging.