In a world of billions of beings,
what does sovereignty
actually mean?
How does it relate to
erotic belonging?
This theme invites us to dig deep
Notice body sensations
and turn up the volume of our breathing
Exploring choice and voice
Values, intentions and dreams
What do you have a right to?
What is yours?
What’s not?
And what’s in between?
Solidarity walks hand in hand
Disrupting our rugged individualism
Calling us in to see
We honor the webs by listening to our needs
Juicy, rich, decompartmentalization
Do you feel the paradox in this?
It’s dripping with choicepoints
Breaking us out of straight jackets
Cultivating our dreams
Sovereignty, our backbone, our power from within
We open this invitation to you
As you beckon us to dig deep
Where we just might find
Improvisation and accountability

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